Develop a deeper understanding of the Nutrition sensitive poverty graduation model and the SOIL program components especially on nutrition, entrepreneurship and natural resource management.
Ensure quality program delivery of the scope, within time and on budget with a strong focus on individual accountability.
Ensure the program delivery meets BOMA's standards for operational excellence and donor expectations.
Collaborate with the program partners including schools, health facilities and county government departments.
Play a key role in participant selection, training, mentorship and coaching, household dialogues, grants transfer, business startup and linkages to markets
Support participants to form Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) and link them to other formal financial institutions
Implement monthly Agri-nutrition training and Nutrition sensitive adaptations for nutrition resilience package for HHs and Groups under your mentorship including nutritional screening/Assessment, nutritional education and training (Agri nutrition), nutritional counselling, referral, HHs dialogues, HHs visioning and action planning.
Coordinate with Community Health Promoters to facilitate completion of linkages and referral of Severe acute malnutrition and moderate acute malnutrition cases every month.
In a collaborative process with the community (Participatory Wealth Ranking) and BOMA Location Committees, target and identify eligible women and children for the program, based on BOMA's participant selection criteria.
Ensure data in BGs, SG record books is accurate and represent the true picture/performance of Businesses, savings and individual HH members.
Utilize all assigned monitoring tools and data collection tools as guided by Field Officer, M&E and IT departments.
Maintain all working tools, tablets and motorcycles in good working condition at all times, fuel logs and other repairs are submitted on time.
Sensitize participants on R4N interventions, graduation metrics and facilitate participants access to market, financial, Community Health Systems, production, weather, context information.
Work very closely with Community Health Promoters (CHPs), REAP Location Committees and other stakeholders in their locations to promote improved nutrition outcomes
Any other assignments as guided by your supervisor.